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Waterford Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

Need Help After a Reckless Driver Hit You?

Don’t let yourself feel like the victim twice after being hit while walking down the street. Stand up for yourself with the assistance of Bashore Green Law Group and our Waterford pedestrian accident attorneys. We’ve built our careers on helping people just like you get the most compensation possible for accidents much like yours. We know you won’t regret coming to us for legal guidance during such a difficult time.

Call (248) 487-1887 or contact us online. We speak English, Spanish, Arabic, Lebanese, Russian, and Ukrainian.

Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

Reckless, negligent driving is often at the root of a pedestrian accident. Motorists need to pay sharp attention to what s around them when they are driving, including to sidewalks and crosswalks, not just lanes of traffic. The problem is that most drivers do not think to give so much attention to pedestrians, so they can inadvertently put the people of their communities in danger whenever they get behind the wheel.

Dangerous driving behaviors that can contribute to a pedestrian accident include:

  • Speeding
  • Texting
  • Drunk driving
  • Not stopping fully at stop signs

Many pedestrian accidents happen at intersections, whether there is a crosswalk there or not. Parking lots can also be the location of a pedestrian accident if drivers race through the lot without giving any regard to the people who are walking to and from their vehicles. In some areas of the country, rural roads are actually the most likely locations for a pedestrian accident because drivers are more likely to not see pedestrians where there are no streetlights or crosswalks.

Can Pedestrians Be Found Liable for Accidents?

A pedestrian can be liable for a pedestrian accident if their negligence contributed to the accident. For example, a pedestrian who jumps into the road without checking for approaching traffic would have a difficult time suing a driver if they were hit.

Pedestrians are usually not fully liable for pedestrian accidents, though, because drivers need to try to yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian whenever possible. Even if a pedestrian is jaywalking – entering or crossing the road without a proper crosswalk – a driver has to avoid them if possible. With this said, if you were hit while jaywalking, you could still have a perfectly valid claim to bring against the driver who hit you. Call (248) 487-1887 to learn more.

Common Injuries Suffered in Pedestrian Accidents

It is common for pedestrians to suffer catastrophic injuries when struck by a vehicle. Without any sort of protection, the full force of the collision will hit them directly.

Pedestrians who are hit by reckless drivers often suffer:

  • Brain injuries (TBI)
  • Spine injuries or paralysis
  • Broken bones
  • Permanent disfigurement

If your injuries are serious or permanent, then our law firm can help you seek compensation. You might be owed thousands of dollars to help pay for your necessary medical treatments, lost wages, and more.

Build Up Your Case with Our Counsel

Insurance companies fight pedestrian accident cases because they know they can be worth a steep sum. To get ready for anything they might try to use to defeat your case, team up with our pedestrian accident lawyers in Waterford. We’re here to amplify your voice and give you a case that can stand up to any opposition.

Want to know more? Fill out an online contact form today to speak with our pedestrian accident attorneys in Waterford.

  • “Very professional and fast dealing with all legal correspondences.”
    “Kevin Green is compassionate, driven, and shows great concern for his clients.”
    - Eboni M.
  • “Wonderful and very professional”
    “I would recommend them any day of the week be blessed.#TEAMBASOREGREENLAWGROUP.”
    - Patricia J.
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    - Former Client
  • “I'm in complete amazement!”
    “Bashore Law Group has been wonderful completely wonderful!”
    - Ladria M.
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